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Northampton County Quilt Trail

The Northampton County Quilt Trail features painted quilt squares that are unique and reflects the history of this area’s agriculture and the passions of the trail’s participants. Many squares are painted from family heirloom quilts while some were designed to show the history of or the present-day working on the farm.

Visitors are encouraged to stop and take photographs from the roadside. Several farms may also offer their seasonal produce or other goods for sale. While touring the Quilt Trail, please be considerate of private property.

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Northampton County Barn Quilt Locations

1120 Co Op Ln, Garysburg, NC 27831, USA
2529 Peanut Market Rd, Seaboard, NC 27876, USA
31295 US-158, Jackson, NC 27845, USA
4195 Pin Hook Rd, Rich Square, NC 27869, USA
51494 US-258, Rich Square, NC 27869, USA
6972 Jordan Mill Rd, Seaboard, NC 27876, USA
71005 Devils Racetrack Rd, Seaboard, NC 27876, USA
8101 E Church St, Lasker, NC 27845, USA
9245 Bethel Church Rd, Seaboard, NC 27876, USA
101074 Zion Church Rd, Conway, NC 27820, USA
111205 Jenkins Mill Rd, Conway, NC 27820, USA
121236 Creeksville Rd, Conway, NC 27820, USA
131345 Nchs East Rd, Conway, NC 27820, USA
14NC-186 & Margarettsville Rd, North Carolina 27853, USA
151652 W J Duke Service Rd, Jackson, NC 27845, USA
16868 Jackson By-Pass Rd, Jackson, NC 27845, USA
172748 Mt Carmel Rd, Seaboard, NC 27876, USA
182757 Cornwallis Rd, Garysburg, NC 27831, USA
192757 Cornwallis Rd, Garysburg, NC 27831, USA
207429 NC-35, Pendleton, NC 27862, USA
2112050 US-158, Conway, NC 27820, USA
22203 W Jefferson St, Jackson, NC 27845, USA
231436 Bynum Rd, Seaboard, NC 27876, USA

Barn Quilts

120 Co-Op Lane (Hwy 46)
Garysburg, NC 27831

529 Peanut Market Rd.
Seaboard, NC 27876

1295 US Hwy 158 Jackson
NC 27845

195 Pin Hook Rd, Lasker
NC 27845

1494 Hwy 258
Rich Square NC 27869

972 Jordan Mill Rd.
Seaboard NC 27876

1005 Devils Racetrack Rd.
Seaboard NC 27876

101 East Church St.
Lasker NC 27845

245 Bethel Church Rd.
Seaboard NC 27876

1074 Zion Church Rd.
Conway NC 27820

1205 Jenkins Mill Rd.
Conway NC 27820

1236 Creeksville Rd.
Conway NC 27820

1345 Nchs East Rd
Conway, NC 27820

NC-186 & State Rd 1367
North Carolina 27853

1652 W J Duke Service Rd.
Jackson, NC 27845

1868 Jackson Bypass
Jackson NC 27845

2748 Mt Carmel Rd.
Seaboard NC 27876

2757 Cornwallis Rd.
Garysburg, NC 27831

3754 Mt Carmel Rd.
Jackson, NC 27845

7429 NC Highway 35
Pendleton, NC 27862

12050 US-158
Conway NC 27820